Local Plans, Neighbourhood Plans & Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Advice & Examinations, Planning Applications and Appeals
If you require advisor support or an examiner at short notice, please contact us as we do our utmost to service all requests Read More
Why we can help you
- Are you seeking assistance in ensuring that you have an up to date local plan in place? Perhaps you require an expert appraisal of your draft local plan prior to publication or wish to appoint an examiner for a neighbourhood plan?
- We have brought together a professional team of the most experienced and senior examiners, who can share with you their expertise gained from conducting over 200 Local Plan and CIL examinations as former Planning Inspectors, alongside more than 300 Neighbourhood Plan examinations. Our ongoing approach to recruitment ensures that we are constantly updating the currency of relevant experience in our team.
- We provide a range of services focused on local plans, neighbourhood plans and CIL, recognising there is not a 'one size fits all' approach - we will work with you to create a practical solution to meet your local requirements and circumstances. IPe is well established in delivering advisory and examination services countrywide.
- We offer Fixed Fee, all inclusive, support and examination packages, providing you with certainty around your budgetary commitment. Day Rates are also available.
- We make a commitment to you of Quality Assurance through internal peer review and ongoing training - all members of the IPe team are subject to the same high professional standards.
- We will liaise and co-ordinate with you through our support team which has approaching 20 years experience of handling plans casework and advising on procedural and policy issues.
January 2025
We are now working with several authorities under the transitional scenarios in the revised NPPF (12 December 2024), supporting officers and briefing elected members.
IPe's new website will be coming soon!
If you would like assistance please do call us on 01225 487230 or email enquiries@intelligentplans.co.uk
Our Services
A wide choice of services, which can be tailored to meet your specific requirements
Contact Us
IPe's office team will be pleased to assist you with any queries by telephone, email or virtual meeting.