IPe Training Services
We are able to offer either virtual or physical events for local plan examination (and other) training - please contact us for more details.
It may be that you want to have a team session or need to assist elected members with understanding the policy context of a key issue or planning procedure. We can provide support in formats to suit you including workshops, discussions sessions and mock examinations and inquiries.
Local Plan Examination Preparation
A typical Preparation for Examination (Local Plan) training event comprises the following key components:
- an introductory/overview session around the examination process;
- initial demands on officers;
- expected tasks in the period running up to examination hearings;
- running a mock session with participation on matters and issues relevant to your draft Local Plan;
- handling the main modifications process; and
- What goes wrong?/common problems.
Bespoke Courses
We can run topic based sessions, tailored to suit individual authority needs covering areas such as:
- Local Plans
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and development economics
- Dealing with appeals
- Development Management
Please do discuss your specific requirements with us and we will build a training package to suit your professional development objectives.
Neighbourhood Plans Training for Officers
We run an introductory course to neighbourhood planning for local authority staff, designed to assist those officers that have a support role for Neighbourhood Plan community groups. The training is intended to provide an insight into Neighbourhood Plans from the perspective of an examiner, so the officers can fully appreciate the processes involved.
We can tailor the course content to cover aspects of examinations most pertinent to your local authority, alongside coverage of the more common issues that arise during examination. The training also provides a strategic overview of what is happening across the country in terms of the need for a robust evidence base, the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process in relation to any proposed site allocations, as well as dealing with the subject of housing allocations within Neighbourhood Plans.
Full details of the course are available on request.