IPe Team
Lee Armitage, Director
LLB (Hons) MRTPI. Lee Joined the Planning Inspectorate in 2005 as a Principal Policy Advisor on secondment from Defra. He became the Head of LDF, RRS and Major Casework in 2006 and in 2011, the Head of Service for Plans. Throughout these roles he had operational responsibility for the examination of over 730 plans and 140 CILs. He was also PINS lead official on Neighbourhood Planning, Marine Planning and National Parks. Lee has worked closely with MHCLG and has provided extensive advice and training to Inspectors.
Prior to working in PINS, Lee was employed in a number of Government Departments progressing legislation and policy. He worked on two government Bill teams, where he gained extensive experience working in Parliament. Lee provided support to Ministers in both Houses from the officials' box, as well as attending General Committees, Adjournment debates and Ministerial meetings with MPs and other interested parties. Lee further led on implementing a wide range of secondary legislation, from initial drafting of government consultation papers through to working with legal colleagues to put in place regulations.
Lee graduated in Law from the University of London in 1992 and initially worked for 3 years in the private sector, for a land agency.
Lee co-founded IPe in 2016 with Keith Holland and Chris Snarr. He has served on the NPIERS Guidance Working Party, developing sector led guidance on Neighbourhood Plan Examinations, and the UWE Bristol Planning Advisory Board.