IPe Team

David Hogger


BA MSc MRTPI MCIHT. Following completion of the Adur Local Plan in late September 2017, David joined IPe bringing over 10 years experience as a senior Planning Inspector. His role in IPe is focused on providing advice to councils preparing local plans and the examinination of neighbourhood plans.

Prior to joining IPe, David examined over 20 local plans and other development plan documents, including Minor Alterations to the Mayor's London Plan. In his management capacity, he was an Assistant Sub-Group leader in the Planning Inspectorate and carried out numerous advisory visits to local authorities preparing local plans. David further examined several CIL Charging Schedules and was on the team that undertook quality control of CIL Reports. He has also dealt with a large and complex portfolio of planning appeals.

Before becoming an Inspector, David worked for four local planning authorities in the south and west, primarily preparing, justifying and implementing local plan documents. His last such position was as Local Plans Manager with a Hampshire Borough.