IPe Team
Andrew Seaman
BA (Hons) MA MRTPI. As a longstanding chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Andrew brings over 28 years of detailed planning experience to IPe.
Andrew joined us after completing 13 years as an Inspector with the Planning Inspectorate. During this time Andrew has individually resolved a large volume of contentious Section 78 planning Appeals through written representation, hearings and multi-party extensive Inquiries. Andrew has been the senior lead in the recruitment and training of new Inspectors in addition to being a specialist in heritage issues for the last 10 years.
He has examined a considerable number of Local Plans which both pre and post date the original National Planning Policy Framework. These have included Local Plans in Wiltshire, Dartmoor National Park, Southwark, Haringey, Hammersmith and Fulham and Woking. Andrew has also carried out a number of advisory visits to local planning authorities producing Local Plans.
Andrew latterly served the Inspectorate as Group Manager - Planning (England) carrying responsibility for all Inspectors involved in mainstream Section 78 appeal decision making across England. As part of this role, Andrew has engaged widely with those interested in the work of the Inspectorate, has led the delivery of the Inspectorate's annual training conference and joined colleagues on the Executive Management Team in maintaining standards, managing budget deployment and enacting change within the Inspectorate. He has been the point of liaison with central government on Section 78 appeal and related matters.
Andrew has formerly worked in both the private and public sectors, joining the Inspectorate from a senior management team position within a District Council where he held responsibility for leading a large staff delivering Development Management, Planning Policy (bringing an old style Local Plan to successful adoption), Building Control and Emergency Planning. He has also enjoyed supporting the University of the West of England (Bristol) in the practical application of planning skills by their undergraduate students for a number of years.